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Tag: Cash transfers


News IconCall to move from siloing gender issues towards integrating approach in cash programming

22nd October 2018: Integrating gender in cash programming from the outset of conceptualising and designing transfers is key to addressing marginalisation, a Cash Week event organised by the Cash Learning...

Publication IconAre you designing social protection schemes from a charity or a citizenship paradigm?

Social protection is not always beneficial and popular. A way of predicting whether a programme will have positive impacts and be supported by voters is to identify whether it falls...

Publication IconEnabling Market Conditions for Pay-As-You-Go Solar

A deep dive into the digital financial services industry in Nigeria, outlining the requirements for digital infrastructure readiness and the nuances behind regulatory restrictions that are currently hindering the industry’s growth.

blog iconWhy cash transfer programme designs need financially-inclusive payment mechanisms

Sarah Langhan Development Pathways has been working with the Government of Angola and UNICEF to design the country’s first cash transfer programme which will reach children across three provinces. The programme design has required the identification and selection of payment service providers (PSPs) through a competitive procurement process. So what...

News IconWorld Bank shows support for universal transfers as a response to the COVID-19 crisis 

In a recent post for the World Bank’s "Jobs and Development" blog series, Michal Rutkowski states that “COVID-19 highlights the importance of creating universal entitlements to health care and income support”. 

blog iconDouble Jeopardy: How Poverty Targeting Mechanisms Unfairly Impact on Families with a Disabled Member

Our guest blogger Ilene Zeitzer, is President of Disability Policy Solutions.  An internationally recognised expert on comparative disability policy, Ms. Zeitzer has worked in more than 65 countries on various disability-related issues. In social protection policy, there is probably no better example of the unintentional consequences of well-intentioned policies than poverty...

blog iconEconomic recovery begins with children (and older people, and people with disabilities): The urge for universal lifecycle cash transfers as a response to COVID-19

This blog was originally written for socialprotection.org and can be found here. Our guest blogger, Louise Moreira Daniels, is Chief of Social Policy at UNICEF Sri Lanka. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a perfect storm of crises in countries around the world: exports have fallen dramatically; some specific sectors, like the tourism industry,...

News IconUzbekistan digitalises its social protection system to remove barriers to access

Last week, the social protection single registry was handed over to the Ministry of Finance of Uzbekistan. The single registry is a unified database that reduces barriers to access to...

blog iconChallenging misassumptions behind policymaking: “Being gender aware promotes gender equality”

In this edition Maxine Molyneux, Professor of Sociology at University College London, debunks the notion that “Being gender aware promotes gender equality”. 

blog iconChallenging misassumptions behind policymaking: “Cash transfers empower women”

For International Women’s Day 2022, we asked members of our team and Development Pathways collaborators to take a gender-based assumption behind decisionmaking in social policy and to challenge it. In this edition Maxine Molyneux, Professor of Sociology at University College London, debunks the notion that “cash transfers empower women”.  Cash...