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Tag: Child benefit


News IconWork gets underway on a new cash transfer for children of Angola

4th October 2017: Development Pathways has started working on the design of a new cash transfer for children aged 0-5 for UNICEF Angola, on behalf of the Government of Angola....

blog iconUniversal child benefits: The curious case of Mongolia

Up to now, Mongolia has been famous for Genghis Khan, nomadic herders and grand wrestling competitions in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar. But, it can now add to its list of fame that it is the only developing nation to introduce universal child benefits! Worldwide, close to one in seven...

Publication IconChild wellbeing and social security in Georgia: the case for moving to a more inclusive national social security system

This UNICEF paper examines a range of options for increasing the impacts of the national social security system on children. It suggests that if Georgia is considering extending the Child...

Publication IconInclusive lifecycle social security: An option for Uganda?

Inclusive lifecycle social security: an option for Uganda? considers the feasibility and likely effects of introducing a comprehensive social protection system in the low-income country. The report, available for download below, for...

News IconUniversal Child Grants momentum builds with international conference set to outline the evidence

A global conference on Universal Child Grants set to be held in Geneva in response to “a growing appetite for universal approaches to direct support,” according to UNICEF and the...

News IconUzbekistan discusses case for inclusive child benefit as universal social protection momentum builds

The recommendations of a review of Uzbekistan’s social protection system including a new inclusive, higher-impact child benefit will be discussed at an international conference. UNICEF Uzbekistan, supported by Development Pathways,...

Publication IconChildren in Indonesia: An analysis of poverty, mobility and multidimensional deprivation

This Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) report provides estimates of monetary child poverty, poverty dynamics and welfare mobility, and multidimensional child deprivation. It also presents results from a micro-simulation...

blog iconFree at last! Kyrgyzstan’s liberation from poor relief, with universal social security for children

In April 2018, a new law will enter into force in Kyrgyzstan which abolishes its main poor relief scheme and replaces it with a system of universal child benefits. This is a major step forward in Kyrgyzstan’s attempt to build an inclusive, lifecycle social protection system, since the nation already...

Publication IconMulti-tiered child benefit systems for universal coverage

There is potential in many countries for building multi-tiered child benefit systems that achieve universal coverage of child benefits through a combination of social insurance and tax-financed instruments. At the February 2019 Universal...

Publication IconAssessing the potential for multi-tiered child benefits in Viet Nam

This report, commissioned by the International Labour Organization, examines the potential for a multi-tiered child benefit to help the Government meet these multiple objectives in Viet Nam.