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Tag: Child protection


blog iconChild protection momentum building as Government of Sri Lanka commits to bold action

The global drive to end violence against children is gaining momentum, with Sri Lanka one of the latest countries stepping up to tackle the issue of child protection. It is fantastic that Sri Lanka has joined the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children as a pathfinder country, to lead...

Publication IconPreventing violence against children in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has shown leadership in mapping its child protection system and drafting a National policy on Child Protection. UNICEF’s country discussion paper, which Development Pathways contributed to, identifies the...

blog iconTeam Social Protection, it’s time to catch up with Team Child Protection!

Before I dive into this blog, I want to clarify one point: child protection and social protection are not the same thing. I’ve had some awkward (and at times heated) debates about this in the past so I want to clear this up first. Simply put, social protection (or social security)...

Publication IconChild-sensitive social protection in Uganda

The report on child-sensitive social protection in Uganda presents an analysis of the social protection system from a child-sensitive lens, with a focus on Direct Income Support. It includes recommendations...

Publication IconChild sensitivity of social protection in Cambodia

In the context of significant reforms, Development Pathways undertook an assessment of the social protection system in Cambodia to identify entry points to strengthen its child-sensitivity.

Our Work IconEmpowering children with disabilities and families through social protection and care in East Asia and the Pacific

We are supporting UNICEF and partners to engage in meaningful dialogue on social protection support reform for children with disabilities and families in East Asia and the Pacific.

Our Work IconConducting a situation analysis of children and adolescents for the State of Palestine

Development Pathways is supporting UNICEF by conducting a situation analysis of children and adolescents in the State of Palestine.