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Tag: Church of Sweden


News IconFresh evidence on effectiveness of targeting as focus shifts to social protection programme impact

The full results of a new global review of the evidence on the types of social protection programmes best reach those living in poverty will be launched at a 14th...

News IconFinal report of global review of targeting effectiveness set to be unveiled

The culmination of an assessment of the targeting effectiveness of social protection programmes across the globe undertaken for the Church of Sweden will be launched this Thursday 14th. Ahead of...

News IconPoverty targeted schemes could face legal challenges, warns former UN Special Rapporteur

If countries continue to use targeted social protection schemes that fail to reach those in poverty, they may face legal challenges. This comment came from former UN Special Rapporteur on...

Publication IconHit and Miss: An assessment of targeting effectiveness in social protection with additional analysis

This paper (now updated with additional analysis as of June 2020) is the result of a global review of the effectiveness of different methods of selecting social protection recipients, both...

Publication IconHit and Miss: An assessment of targeting effectiveness in social protection – Summary version with updated analysis

One of the most highly charged debates in social protection is how best to undertake targeting: while some social protection practitioners are passionate advocates of income testing (or poverty targeting), others highlight the many advantages of universal selection. However, as with any debate, it is best to first look at the evidence.