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Tag: Coverage


Publication IconPoverty, Vulnerability and Social Protection in the Pacific – the Role of Social Transfers

This paper examines the evidence on poverty and vulnerability and its causes in the region, and seeks to understand what role social transfers such as pensions, child grants and disability grants, could play in tackling poverty.

Publication IconEstablishing Comprehensive National Old Age Pension Systems

KfW Development Bank commissioned Stephen Kidd through Development Pathways for this paper which describes and explains the policy options available to developing countries committed to offering universal pension coverage and...

Publication IconChild wellbeing and social security in Georgia: the case for moving to a more inclusive national social security system

This UNICEF paper examines a range of options for increasing the impacts of the national social security system on children. It suggests that if Georgia is considering extending the Child...

Publication IconThe Effectiveness of Targeting: Options for Uganda

This paper attempts to clarify the concept of targeting within the context of Uganda and discuss the most effective means of ensuring that ‘the poor’ and vulnerable are included in...

Our Work IconStrengthening Rwanda’s social protection system

To strengthen Rwanda's social protection system, we supported the development of a National Social Protection Policy and Strategy.