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Tag: Dignity


News IconImportance of dignity to social protection implementation underlined in Guadalajara

4th September: Academia and international development experts have met in Mexico to discuss the social transformations required to eradicate poverty and significantly reduce inequality within and among countries. Participants discussing...

News IconSocial protection scheme delivery “must improve to reach the underserved”

The implementation of social protection schemes around the world must improve to better reach underserved populations, according to a progress report on the progressive realisation of the right to social...

News IconTraining course sets out how to make the case for an inclusive social protection system

How to make the case for an inclusive social protection system in Uganda? What are some of the main considerations, from the political to the financial requirements, to the human...

News IconSocial protection training course in Uganda receives positive feedback from participants

This month, Development Pathways provided a training course to support the implementation of the National Social Protection Policy in Uganda, receiving excellent feedback from participants. The training was implemented within...

blog iconUniversal Child Benefits and the need for disability- and equity-sensitive social protection

Alexandra Barrantes highlights her take-aways on disability and dignity from the recent Universal Child Benefits conference in Geneva.  A couple of weeks ago, UNICEF and the ILO gathered together a large group of international experts, practitioners and government officials to discuss Universal Child Benefits (UCBs). The issue prompting the discussions was the compelling the case for UCBs and for universal social protection in general. Although countries around...

blog iconBlack Lives Matter – in social protection and international development

Our blogger, Stephen Kidd, is a Senior Social Policy Specialist at Development Pathways.  The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement has highlighted the systemic racism that is deeply embedded within the attitudes and institutions of rich nations. While the immediate focus has been on police brutality, institutional discrimination permeates both public...

Our Work IconSpearheading Cash Transfer Design and Implementation Worldwide

Development Pathways’ experts have experience in both the high-level design of cash transfer programmes and the operational design and technical parameters for programme implementation. When designing social protection programmes —...

Our Work IconBringing the voice of older persons centre-stage: situational analysis of older persons in Uganda

The world’s population is ageing, and Uganda is no exception. A lack of infrastructure, however, has meant that many of the country’s older citizens have been unable to grow older...