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Tag: Economic impact


News IconUgandan MPs winning argument to make Senior Citizens’ Grant national, event hears

30th November 2017: The political discussion about the future of Uganda’s piloted Senior Citizens’ Grant has progressed to how the pension can be introduced nationally, an event heard last night....

blog iconThailand’s Old Age Pension: an example of the importance of good quality analysis

I recently come across a draft report by the World Bank on Thailand’s old age pension system. The report states it is for consultation, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to provide a few thoughts and helpfully point out a key problem with the analysis. In 2009, Thailand implemented a large-scale...

News Icon“Growing debate around universality” sees diverging estimates of basic income impacts

3rd September: A “growing debate around universality” in the design of social protection programmes has been acknowledged by a senior economist at the World Bank. His comments come after the...

blog iconSocial security as investment: Thoughts on its contribution to economic growth

The main purpose of social security is to reduce poverty and strengthen the resilience of poor and vulnerable families through transfers that increase incomes. Yet, this comes at a cost, which is usually financed either through taxation or via contributions from individuals. While there are schools of thought that believe...

blog iconUganda’s Old Age Pension: Who Benefits?

Uganda has been piloting two social protection schemes over the last few years, under its Expanding Social Protection (ESP) Programme. This is a 5-year government programme, supported by DFID and Irish AID. The pilot schemes are intended to gather evidence on impacts of cash transfers as a means of informing...

Publication IconEconomic Impacts of a Universal Pension in Bangladesh

Dr. Bazlul Khondker is an economist, specialising in econometric modelling and social security. In this perspective, he looks at the economic impacts of a universal pension in Bangladesh. Through his modelling, he demonstrates that investing in a universal pension has similar economic impacts to those of investing in infrastructure and capital goods. Further, the distribution of economic benefits of a universal pension appear to be pro-poor and pro-rural.

News IconIndonesian social protection system must be for all citizens, declares Government report

26th November: A recommendation that Indonesia moves from a social protection system that only targets the poorest to one that is inclusive of all citizens is included in a new...

Publication IconSocial Protection: An Effective and Sustainable Investment in Developing Countries

A KfW paper details some of the impacts of tax-financed social protection schemes in developing countries and the significant positive benefits that they bring. These range from building human capital to...

Publication IconThe effectiveness of the Graduation Approach: What does the evidence tell us?

In a special edition of the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth’s Policy in Focus, the graduation approach to poverty reduction is explored by a number of contributors. The paper...

blog iconWhat is the impact of an inclusive pension? Evidence from Uganda

A new paper, presented at a workshop in Kampala, shows potentially very significant Rates of Return for Uganda’s Senior Citizens’ Grant. Depending on the specific assumptions, the SCG, which is an old age pension provided on a universal basis in selected districts, could pay for itself 1.4 times over within a...