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Tag: Financing


News IconKenya commits to further increasing social protection investment, Development Pathways flags funding priorities

22nd March 2018: Development Pathways has set out priorities for Kenya’s social protection sector review, as the Government moves to increase investment in programmes. Our Senior Social Policy Specialist Stephen...

Publication IconThe Social Protection Flaw – or how not to win fiscal space for entitlements

The many disadvantages to poverty-targeted social protection include the fact that they never become entitlements that attract popular demand and the financial backing of governments, writes Nicholas Freeland, independent consultant. Freeland highlights...

News IconThe IMF admits “narrow focus on poverty targeting,” but workers see “no clear change in policy”

The IMF has acknowledged it has had an “overly narrow focus on means-tested targeting” in social protection and that life-cycle benefits have some advantages. The details of the new IMF social...

News IconEuropean Development Days debate highlights how low-income nations can combat inequality with social protection

Social protection has great potential to reduce income inequality, it was underlined at a debate hosted by Oxfam and featuring the OECD, ITUC and Development Pathways at the European Development...

Publication IconHow to Finance Inclusive Social Protection

A guide to financing social protection developed by UNESCAP to support policymakers and practitioners in Asia and the Pacific in their efforts to strengthen social protection. Development Pathways contributed to...

Publication IconInvestments in social protection and their impacts on economic growth: tax financing options

The report builds on our previous research with ITUC, showing the economic benefits of social protection by examining the different financing options that states have at their disposal in order to strengthen...

Publication IconFrom historical trends to investment pathways: Social protection expenditure in Pacific Island Countries and Timor-Leste

This paper provides a comprehensive study on social protection financing in Pacific Island Countries and Timor-Leste, covering their expenditure size, composition, and historical evolution.

blog iconTurning the key to universal social security: affordability unlocked

For years we have been told that, while universal social security is a worthy ambition, it is largely unattainable in low- and middle-income countries. Our latest paper dispels this myth, showing that countries at all income levels can achieve universal social security if they have political commitment.