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Tag: Gender Inequality


blog iconThe curious case of women leaving the labour market in India

Anasuya Sengupta Recently, in the midst of participating in a launch event for an ODI/HelpAge International study on older women’s work, I thought back on the lives of the women in my family, from India. In the early 1940s – really, not that long ago – my grandmother was married off...

blog iconAll work and no pay: The invisibilisation of women’s labour in public works programmes

Anasuya Sengupta On International Women’s Day, I want to bring attention to a silent scandal on the use of women’s labour within public works programmes, which are increasingly referred to as productive safety net programmes in many low-income countries. These are, as many of you know, good old-fashioned workfare schemes...

Publication IconAre governments investing in caring and just economies?

This report for UN Women is based on an assessment of COVID-19 fiscal stimulus response and policy measures in nine countries in Asia and the Pacific (Cambodia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam).

News IconNew report recommends gender and human rights actions for Asia-Pacific states

We are pleased to launch our new publication with UN Women, OHCHR and UNFPA ‘Are governments investing in caring and just economies?’.

Our Work IconGender analysis to inform Indonesia’s COVID-19 response

In collaboration with UNICEF Indonesia, we are conducting a comprehensive mixed-method gender study. The study will identify bottlenecks and barriers that reproduce gender inequalities.