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Tag: Human rights


News IconDismantling of social protection in UK highlighted by UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty

16th November: A fifth of the population lives in poverty in the UK and this number is projected to increase as a result of the “systematic dismantling of social protection,”...

Publication IconFrom Undeserving Poor to Rights Holder: Working Paper

In our first working paper, Magdalena Sepúlveda Carmona, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, discusses the importance of having a human rights approach to social protection....

News IconGauntlet thrown down to social protection authorities to take forward realisation of rights

12th December: Social protection authorities can ensure programmes respect key human rights principles by assessing the impact on disadvantaged citizens and empowering them to seek redress. This is the message...

blog iconTackling Mental Health: a FundaMental starting point

Everyone’s talking about mental health – particularly its effect on the world’s poorest countries. But what do we do about it? Where do we start? Jessica Mackenzie suggests four crucial steps.

Publication IconGlobal Goals for Every Child: Progress and Disparities Among Children in South Africa

The report is one of the first to use the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations to chart progress and to highlight critical challenges that directly affect the lives of children.

blog iconLost in translation in social protection: rights and development

Those of us working on social protection have, most likely, interacted with both the human rights and international development worlds and noticed their somewhat different approaches to social protection.  While there is some overlap between the approaches, they often struggle to work collaboratively. We need to develop a shared language...

News IconPoverty targeted schemes could face legal challenges, warns former UN Special Rapporteur

If countries continue to use targeted social protection schemes that fail to reach those in poverty, they may face legal challenges. This comment came from former UN Special Rapporteur on...

Publication IconSocial Accountability in the Delivery of Social Protection – Technical Guidance Note

This note offers guidance to social protection practitioners on how to strengthen social accountability in the delivery of social protection.

blog iconLooking afresh at social protection programmes, with a human rights lens

Using a human rights lens to look at how cash transfer programmes are designed and implemented brings a number of considerations into view that would otherwise go unseen. A crucial one is that human rights principles should form an integral part of the key processes of cash transfer programmes and...

blog iconTackling exclusion, pensions progress, citizen action: a year in review

2017 has been a busy year for Development Pathways. We have redoubled our efforts to share the experience and knowledge we have gained working on building the strategies and systems needed to ensure evidence-led, inclusive programmes that realise human rights. Our most-read resources reflect the evidence we have provided on the...