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Tag: Indonesia


blog iconThe Ghosts of User Fees Past: exploring accountability for victims of a 30-year economic policy mistake

In this guest blog, Rick Rowden, doctoral candidate in Economic Studies and Planning at Jawaharlal Nehru University, discusses the World Bank’s health user fees and what the recent change in direction from the World Bank could mean for those affected by this policy.  On May 21st, World Bank Group President Jim Yong...

Publication IconSDG Baseline Report on Children in Indonesia

The Government and Unicef SDG Baseline Report on Children in Indonesia, provides a snapshot of where the country’s children stand at the start of the period up to 2030, when the goals are due to be met.

Publication IconChildren in Indonesia: An analysis of poverty, mobility and multidimensional deprivation

This Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) report provides estimates of monetary child poverty, poverty dynamics and welfare mobility, and multidimensional child deprivation. It also presents results from a micro-simulation...

blog iconFive things we learnt about poverty dynamics in world’s fourth most populous country

I recently had the pleasure of working with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) on a year-long project on poverty and child well-being, writes Bjorn Gelders. It was a productive collaboration: we ran a series of technical workshops with statisticians; crunched data...

blog iconIndonesia edges closer towards an inclusive pension

Indonesia is one of the few countries in South-East Asia not to have a social pension. The only pensions available are financed from social insurance and, in the main, are received by former civil servants. In fact, only around 15 per cent of older people can currently access a pension,...

News IconAn inclusive child grant in Papua: lessons learnt from implementing cash transfers in remote contexts 

Mahkota has launched a new paper discussing the lessons learnt from implementing cash transfers in the remote province Papua, Indonesia. 

Publication IconThe impact of COVID-19 on child poverty and mobility in Indonesia – Policy brief

This policy brief explores how the economic fallout from COVID-19 affects child poverty and the success of social protection measures aimed at mitigating the impact. It was developed by the Fiscal Policy Agency and UNICEF Indonesia with support from Development Pathways. A

blog iconMore than just cash: an innovative child grant in Papua province

Given the need to address child development issues and to improve the coverage of social protection programmes across Papua, the Provincial Government of Papua (PGP) responded by launching BANGGA Papua, a child grant for all indigenous Papuan children from birth until their 4th birthday.