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Tag: Life-cycle


Publication IconThe Ages of Man: Shakespeare and social protection through the life-course

In our 15th Perspective, Nicholas Freeland uses Shakespeare’s depiction of the seven ages of man to explore the vulnerabilities at each stage of the life-course. He proposes that an inclusive...

News IconFinal report of global review of targeting effectiveness set to be unveiled

The culmination of an assessment of the targeting effectiveness of social protection programmes across the globe undertaken for the Church of Sweden will be launched this Thursday 14th. Ahead of...

Publication IconHit and Miss: An assessment of targeting effectiveness in social protection with additional analysis

This paper (now updated with additional analysis as of June 2020) is the result of a global review of the effectiveness of different methods of selecting social protection recipients, both...

blog iconSocial security innovation: is it always the right thing to do?

Matthew Greenslade In the world of international development, why are we all so obsessed by innovation? At the right time, social security innovation is important, vital even, but why is there a bias among donors towards the new? This bias can sound progressive, but it often comes at a cost,...

Publication IconUnderstanding integrated adolescent development in Mongolia

Commissioned by UNICEF Mongolia, the aim of this situational analysis was to understand integrated adolescent development in Mongolia. The report uses a gendered life-course narrative from early childhood to young...

blog iconPutting children first: Universal benefits for children with disabilities in Kenya

In this final part on the 3-part blog series, Dennis Mugambi Njue explains why supporting children with disabilities by providing a monthly child disability benefit would be an easy win for the government, the economy, and Kenya’s future. Children with disabilities are one of the most disadvantaged groups in society...