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Tag: Older Persons


News IconThe steps to supporting older Ugandans to actively contribute set out at national conference

19th September: Uganda’s older persons have the potential to be a tremendous resource for the country and should be supported to actively contribute to their families and nation, Development Pathways...

News IconPensions: progress towards extending social protection reach outlined by ILO

28th September: Tax-financed pensions are proliferating in developing countries, with universal pensions developed in 22, from Argentina to Zanzibar (Tanzania) and a further six achieving near-universality, according to a new...

Publication IconGood Practices and Barriers in the Use of Data for Policy and Advocacy On Ageing in Asia-Pacific

This report provides a wide range of good practice examples where the use of data has had a positive effect on policy and programming and looks at strategies for overcoming barriers to data in policy and practice.

Publication IconZambia’s Katete Universal Pension

In “If you only have dust in your hands then friends are far; when they are full they come closer”: An Examination of the impacts of Zambia’s Katete universal pension,...

News IconPension promotes wellbeing and impacts economy, evaluation for Uganda concludes

Findings of a new quantitative assessment of the impact of the Senior Citizens Grant in Uganda show that the programme has made deeper impacts than previously discovered. The findings of...

blog iconUnder threat: social protection that includes everybody in their old age?

October 1st is the International Day of Older Persons, this year about ensuring older people can fully contribute to society. It’s a day for everyone, since we all hope to reach old age and enjoy long and fruitful lives. And, of course, none of us want our last years destroyed...

Publication IconFacing Our Future: Ageing in a Changing Uganda

The challenges and opportunities offered by a growth in older persons in Uganda are identified in this Government of Uganda report, released for International Day of Older Persons 2018. To...

Publication IconThe Mbao Pension Plan: Savings for the Informal-Sector

Social protection schemes in Kenya are both Government-run and private, and consist of tax-financed schemes such as the Inuda Jamii Senior Citizens’ Grant, contributory schemes such as the National Social...

Publication IconInua Jamii Senior Citizens’ Scheme

The Inua Jamii Senior Citizens’ Scheme is a tax-financed pension-tested social pension offering universal pension coverage for all citizens of Kenya once they reach 70 years of age. The programme,...

Publication Icon‘I feel more loved’: Autonomy, self-worth and Kenya’s universal pension

This paper presents the findings of a qualitative research study conducted in order to observe the impacts of Kenya’s social pension on one rural community. This unique research required the...