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Tag: Payments


News IconCall to move from siloing gender issues towards integrating approach in cash programming

22nd October 2018: Integrating gender in cash programming from the outset of conceptualising and designing transfers is key to addressing marginalisation, a Cash Week event organised by the Cash Learning...

blog iconWhy cash transfer programme designs need financially-inclusive payment mechanisms

Sarah Langhan Development Pathways has been working with the Government of Angola and UNICEF to design the country’s first cash transfer programme which will reach children across three provinces. The programme design has required the identification and selection of payment service providers (PSPs) through a competitive procurement process. So what...

Our Work IconDesigning and implementing Angola’s first cash transfer for children

In Angola young people and children represent a majority of the population. The United Nations Children’s Fund estimates that nearly four in ten under-fives suffer from stunting, hindering their cognitive...

Our Work IconBuilding Malawi’s capacity to implement social protection at national and district levels

The Government of Malawi launched the Malawi National Social Support Programme 2018-2022 (MNSSP II) to implement the national vision to reduce poverty, promote resilient livelihoods and protect against shocks. To...