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Tag: Policy advice


Our Work IconRecommending social accountability improvements for social protection programmes

How can citizens better hold social protection officials to account and understand their entitlements? We carried out research to fill the knowledge gaps.

Our Work IconSustainable Development Goals Baseline Report on Children

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals form a ground-breaking plan to end poverty, promote sustainable development, and ensure prosperity for all of the world’s citizens by 2030. The Government of...

Our Work IconPinpointing refugees’ vulnerability in Uganda and recommending food assistance improvements

Uganda has a long history of hosting refugees from neighbouring countries. Our assignment for WFP involved research to improve the evidence on refugee vulnerability.

Our Work IconBuilding Inclusive Social Protection Systems for Persons with Disabilities

The UK Government asked us to undertake research which seeks to examine how social protection systems and schemes can be made more inclusive of persons with disabilities.

Our Work IconImplementing a Master Plan for Social Assistance Reform and Development

We were engaged to help Vietnam's plans to expand cash assistance to new groups of young children and older persons a reality.

Our Work IconDeveloping an investment plan and strategy to build a Kenyan social protection system

Kenya has made significant progress in building a nationally-owned social protection system, expanding coverage of regular and predictable social transfer schemes through tax-financing. The Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable...