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Tag: Programme design


News IconWork gets underway on a new cash transfer for children of Angola

4th October 2017: Development Pathways has started working on the design of a new cash transfer for children aged 0-5 for UNICEF Angola, on behalf of the Government of Angola....

News IconCitizen action can help improve social protection programmes, finds review

30th November 2017: Social accountability initiatives, such as spending audits that involve citizens, can help tackle corruption and improve social protection programmes, a review of the evidence has found. The...

News IconImportance of dignity to social protection implementation underlined in Guadalajara

4th September: Academia and international development experts have met in Mexico to discuss the social transformations required to eradicate poverty and significantly reduce inequality within and among countries. Participants discussing...

News IconCall to move from siloing gender issues towards integrating approach in cash programming

22nd October 2018: Integrating gender in cash programming from the outset of conceptualising and designing transfers is key to addressing marginalisation, a Cash Week event organised by the Cash Learning...

News IconGauntlet thrown down to social protection authorities to take forward realisation of rights

12th December: Social protection authorities can ensure programmes respect key human rights principles by assessing the impact on disadvantaged citizens and empowering them to seek redress. This is the message...

Publication IconThe design and management of cash transfer programmes: an overview

Social protection programmes are increasingly recognised as an important tool for tackling poverty and inequality in developing countries, with many implementing large-scale cash transfer programmes aiming to offer comprehensive access...

blog iconWhat is the Future of Bolsa Família?

Bolsa Família is often promoted as a model of good practice for social protection programmes in the developing world. As a Brazilian, in the short period of time that I’ve worked on international social protection, I’ve been surprised by how famous Bolsa Família is around the world and how it...

News IconNew evidence on disability benefits will support UN push to include persons with disabilities

New evidence on the extent to which social protection schemes worldwide are disability-inclusive will support a UN push for disability benefits, according to the ILO. Stefan Trömel, a Senior Disability...

Publication IconSocial Protection and Disability in South Africa

This working paper launches a new series of publications that identify good practice in enabling the inclusion of persons with disabilities in social protection systems and programmes. It finds that...

blog iconWhen and how citizen engagement can improve social protection programme delivery

Social protection schemes are often implemented in contexts characterised by weak accountability of government officials to citizens. Strengthening accountability is important to ensure the quality delivery of social protection and to build better relations between citizens and the state. One way of strengthening accountability is through increased involvement of citizens in social...