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Tag: Social security


blog iconThe ADB’s Social Protection Index: what does it really tell us about social security provision in Asia?

The recent release of the Asian Development Bank’s Social Protection Index (SPI) has generated much interest; it even merited a story in the Economist. However, little attention has been paid to the SPI’s definition of social protection. Yet, it is this definition – and the schemes included and excluded in the...

Publication IconThe Seven Deadly Myths of Social Protection

Nicholas Freeland aims to dispel some of the more common myths about social security systems in developing countries.

blog iconAffordable social security: the case of Uzbekistan

It is an article of faith among neoliberals that developing countries can afford to invest very little in social security. For example, in its Social Protection Strategy for Africa, the World Bank questions the fiscal affordability of universal pensions of southern Africa despite their relatively small budgets of between 0.5%...

blog iconPathways to a universal basic income in low- and middle-income countries

The idea of providing a periodic, unconditional cash transfer to all residents of a country – a universal basic income – has rapidly gained traction in recent years. However, the debate about basic income often seems curiously divorced from the wider debate about the expansion of social security systems, writes...

Publication IconTransfer Values in Kenya’s National Social Security System

This report seeks to examine the current transfer values of Kenya’s tax-financed social security schemes and assess whether they are set at an appropriate level.

News IconStephen Kidd speaks at Bangladesh Social Security Conference held in Dhaka City

Stephen Kidd delivered two presentation in a two-day Social Security Conference in Dhaka City, Bangladesh this week.

Publication IconExploring the Evidence, Background Research Papers for Preparing the National Social Security Strategy (NSSS) of Bangladesh

In this paper Stephen Kidd contributed chapter’s 7 & 8. 7. Building a Social Protection System to Address the Demographic Challenges Faced by Bangladesh. 8. International Best Practice in Social...

Publication IconAddressing the COVID-19 economic crisis in Asia through social protection

This paper examines social security responses that Asian countries have already implemented in response to COVID-19 and proposes a range of more effective complementary or alternative approaches.

Publication IconThe social contract and the role of universal social security in building trust in government

Trust in government is the basic building block of any successful nation-state. It needs to be at the very top of the list of government priorities since, once trust is undermined, the state itself can be threatened. History tells us that a key factor in building trust is the provision of universal public services since they can be enjoyed by everyone on an equal and impartial basis.

Publication IconAssessment of the Social Protection System in Georgia: Final report

Development Pathways has supported the ILO, and its partner UN Women, to complete a general assessment of the social protection system in Georgia. The assessment (carried out during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020) was undertaken from a lifecycle perspective and in reference to international experiences, as well as to social security standards and conventions.