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Tag: State of Social Safety Nets


blog iconUrgent: World Bank safety net needed

Beginning in the early 1980s, the World Bank (with the International Monetary Fund) foisted structural adjustment programmes on a variety of poor countries around the developing world. These programmes, based on the forced application of new ideologies of liberalisation and privatisation, led to massive unemployment, human misery and deprivation. Jobs...

blog iconA magical use of evidence: the World Bank’s State of Social Safety Nets 2018 report

With great fanfare, the World Bank recently released its 2018 The State of Social Safety Nets report, writes Stephen Kidd. The big question was: could the Bank manage to put together a strong, evidence-based paper without straying into advocacy? More specifically, would the Bank continue its practice of using the report...

blog iconChallenging misassumptions behind policymaking: “Women’s participation in social safety net programmes increases their agency and influence”

Anasuya Sengupta, Senior Social Policy Specialist and Holly Seglah, Social Policy Officer at Development Pathways, further debunk the notion that women’s participation in social safety net programmes increases their agency and influence.