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Tag: WFP


blog iconCash transfers on the rise as an emergency response in the Pacific

Despite increasing evidence of their value, the use of cash transfers in emergencies is still limited. ODI’s Paul Harvey estimated in a recent article in the Guardian, as well as a guest piece on Duncan Green’s ‘From Poverty to Power’ blog, that only 6% of humanitarian aid is currently provided...

Publication IconAssessment of the Geographical and Community-Based Targeting of WFP’s Cash and Food for Assets Programme in Kenya

This report provides an in-depth assessment of the targeting mechanisms used for the cash and food for assets programme by WFP and the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA).

Publication IconTransfer Values in Kenya’s National Social Security System

This report seeks to examine the current transfer values of Kenya’s tax-financed social security schemes and assess whether they are set at an appropriate level.

Publication IconChild Vulnerability and Social Protection in Kenya

This report highlights evidence that targeting social protection at orphans, 7.5% of Kenya’s children, with a Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children inadvertently leads to the exclusion of other children who are equally or even more vulnerable. It

Publication IconAnalysis of Refugee Vulnerability in Uganda

The aim of this report was to review the current selection criteria for food assistance in Uganda by presenting an in-depth vulnerability study.

Publication IconSituational Analysis of Persons with Disabilities in Uganda

This report provides an overview of the vulnerabilities and risks that persons with disabilities, and their caregivers, face across their lifecycle in Uganda.

Publication IconHarnessing their Potential – The State of Disability in Uganda: Summary Report

This summary report provides an overview of the key findings of the final Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development report. It examines the vulnerabilities and risks that persons with disabilities, and their caregivers, face across their lifecycle and includes an overview of the additional costs of living with a disability in Uganda, as captured by both quantitive and qualitative data. 

Our Work IconImproving food, nutrition and income security in Karamoja

Karamoja, a northeastern region in Uganda, has been perceived as ‘lagging behind’ and has been treated by external parties, both the Government and development partners, as an exception to the...

Our Work IconStrengthening Kenya’s Single Registry to improve co-ordination

The Single Registry is a policy tool that enables the Government of Kenya to link together the Management Information Systems (MISs) of five social assistance schemes. We used our extensive experience of MIS design to strengthen the system in a joint initiative by the World Food Programme and Kenya’s National Social Protection Secretariat.

Our Work IconPinpointing refugees’ vulnerability in Uganda and recommending food assistance improvements

Uganda has a long history of hosting refugees from neighbouring countries. Our assignment for WFP involved research to improve the evidence on refugee vulnerability.