We provide rigorous evidence and analysis on poverty and vulnerability dynamics, inequality, gender, disability, humanitarian issues and beyond to help guide and shape the development and delivery of social policy.
Whether using national statistical systems such as censuses or living standards measurement surveys, or conducting primary data collection to fill in crucial data gaps, we deploy the latest mixed-methods research approaches to provide robust answers and original insights to any given policy question.
Conducting a situation analysis of children and adolescents for the State of Palestine
Development Pathways is supporting UNICEF by conducting a situation analysis of children and adolescents in the State of Palestine.
Gender analysis to inform Indonesia’s COVID-19 response
In collaboration with UNICEF Indonesia, we are conducting a comprehensive mixed-method gender study. The study will identify bottlenecks and barriers that reproduce gender inequalities.
Shifting the paradigm: building inclusive, lifecycle social security systems in the MENA region
Development Pathways, with support from a Ford Foundation grant, is undertaking an 18-month project to build the evidence on social security across the MENA region and strengthen capacity across civil society to make the case for inclusive social security systems that offer income security to everyone, across the lifecycle.
Analysing the scope for social protection in Somaliland
In the absence of government-led social protection schemes, Save the Children is piloting a child-sensitive social protection (CSSP) programme in Somaliland. Anh Tran, from Development Pathways, is working with Save the Children to analyse the scope for social protection in Somaliland, building on the CSSP, and providing specific recommendations to lay the foundation for building inclusive social protection schemes in Somaliland, that leave no children behind.
South Sudan, Gender Situational Analysis to inform safety nets and resilience programming
In partnership with Forcier Consulting, Development Pathways has recently supported the World Food Programme (WFP) South Sudan Country Office in their first major gender research project, leading to lessons learned and recommendations for gender-responsive programming strategy.
Economic responses to COVID-19 and child sensitive social protection in Bangladesh
Development Pathways is supporting UNICEF in Bangladesh in assessing the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and their families. The goal of the project will be to aid future planning that adequately addresses local needs by feeding into timely policy and decision-making, evidence and data-driven analysis.
Strengthening the social contract through child-sensitive social protection: building a case for a Universal Child Benefit in South Asia
Development Pathways is supporting the UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia in generating costing, impact and fiscal space analysis for Universal Child Benefits (UCBs) in South Asian countries.
Evaluating the economic fallout of COVID-19 and applicability of child-sensitive social protection mechanisms in Sri Lanka
Over the course of April to May, Development Pathways has been working closely with UNICEF to analyse the economic fallout of the coronavirus in child-sensitive social protection in Sri Lanka.
Looking into the impacts of the Inua Jamii Senior Citizens’ Programme in Kenya
With the aim of contributing to the existing body of evidence on the impacts of social pension schemes, a research team from Development Pathways comprising Anh Tran, Sarina Kidd and Madeleine Cretney are conducting a multi-year qualitative research study in the community of Lolkeringet, in Nandi County, Kenya.