Programme design


Programmes that run efficiently and effectively are the building blocks of inclusive lifecycle-based social protection systems. Our team has the global experience and practical skills to design programmes that get essential, timely support to all those who need it.

Strengthening the social contract through child-sensitive social protection: building a case for a Universal Child Benefit in South Asia 

Development Pathways is supporting the UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia in generating costing, impact and fiscal space analysis for Universal Child Benefits (UCBs) in South Asian countries.

Design & implementation of basic social security programme operation manuals and guides in Mozambique

While economic growth in Mozambique has been notable, its effects on poverty reduction have been marginal with the majority of Mozambicans (55%) still living below the national consumption poverty line of USD 0.6 a...

Designing and implementing a social cash transfer for Angola

Designing and implementing Angola’s first cash transfer for children

In Angola young people and children represent a majority of the population. The United Nations Children’s Fund estimates that nearly four in ten under-fives suffer from stunting, hindering their cognitive...

Spearheading Cash Transfer Design and Implementation Worldwide

Development Pathways’ experts have experience in both the high-level design of cash transfer programmes and the operational design and technical parameters for programme implementation. When designing social protection programmes —...