Shamil: Technical Assistance for Comprehensive Social Protection


The Shamil technical assistance facility is a core component of the United Kingdom’s £95 million, five-year‑ programme Strengthening Societal and Economic Resilience in Jordan (SSERJ). The goal of the SSERJ programme is to support the Government of Jordan to build a comprehensive and sustainable social protection system, protecting people from shocks, based on a strengthened social contract. SSERJ consists of the following components:

    • Technical assistance to strengthen the social protection system

    • Financial assistance to pilot new social assistance and/or social insurance schemes

    • Financial assistance for vulnerable refugees and research to promote refugee economic inclusion and self-reliance

    • Technical assistance for monitoring, evaluation and lesson learning.

Shamil is a four-year project that runs from 2023-2027 and aims to support the government of Jordan to build a national social protection system that ensures access to social security for everyone, across the lifecycle. The project will promote greater gender equality, women’s empowerment, and the inclusion of persons with disabilities and other at-risk groups within the national social protection system and more broadly across society.


Shamil adopts a flexible, demand-driven and partner led approach to supporting social protection system strengthening by closely collaborating with key stakeholders in Jordan’s social protection space, including government, non-government and development partners. Shamil will work with key government partners to identify and address needs and priorities for system strengthening. Shamil will also foster collaboration with the other key technical assistance providers and development partners working in the social protection sector to ensure synergy, complementarity and greater effectiveness of results.


Shamil supports the Government of Jordan across all aspects of social protection, including analysis of the challenges Jordan faces that can be addressed by social protection; policy development; evidence generation; and strengthening the design and effectiveness of social protection schemes.


Shamil is being implemented by Development Pathways, in partnership with Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD) and MMIS Management Consultants.


Press and Media

Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (HCD) reviews achievements in promoting rights of persons with disabilities in 2024


Jordan launches National Elderly Strategy 2025-2030


رعت وزيرة التنمية الاجتماعية، وفاء بني مصطفى، أمس الأحد، جلسة نقاشية حول محاور الاستراتيجية الوطنية لكبار السن للأعوام 2030-2025، أقامها المجلس الوطني لشؤون الأسرة، بالتعاون مع منظمة الاسكوا، وبدعم من برنامج شامل.


عمان 17 تشرين الثاني (بترا) محمد المومني- أكد منتدون، أن الحماية المالية والاجتماعية القائمة على الرعاية الصحية المتكاملة لكبار السن، تسهم في تلبية غايات ومعايير التماسك المجتمعي، باعتبار أن كبار السن هم بيت الخبرة والحكمة في المجتمع الأردني.


Multi-regional Global Disability Pre-Summit 2024: Key highlights and Commitments for Inclusive Futures


الأردن يستضيق قمة إقليمية حول الإعاقة قبل نهاية العام


الفناطسة يبحث التعاون والشراكة مع مشروع "شامل" للحماية الاجتماعية


الأردن يطلق مشروع"شامل" لتعزيز الحماية الاجتماعية بدعم من المملكة المتحدة


Amman: Shamil Launch Press release


ARDD: Under the sponsorship of His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal the Shamil project “Moving Forward with a Shared Agenda for Social Protection” was launched on Wednesday, 6 March 2024.


Jordan Times: Under the patronage of HRH Prince Hassan, the Shamil project was launched on Wednesday under the theme: “Moving forward with a joint agenda for social protection”.


We officially launch Shamil on 6 March 2024!


Minister of Social Development: We are working on a review of what has been accomplished in the national strategy for social protection to update it.


We had an impactful seminar series at the Dead Sea on Dec 1-2, exploring multi-tiered social protection in #Jordan!


The Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (HCD) and our Shamil Project are hosting crucial consultation sessions in Jordan to prepare for the 2025 Global Disability Summit. These two-day workshops focus on comprehensive social protection for people with disabilities, bringing together representatives from the Jordanian Coalition for Persons with Disabilities, international organizations, government bodies, and civil society institutions. The consultations aim to empower disability communities, address challenges such as additional living costs, and develop inclusive social security systems. This event is part of Jordan's preparations to co-host the upcoming Global Disability Summit in Berlin, emphasising the country's commitment to disability rights and social inclusion. Watch here for more:


يستضيف المجلس الأعلى لحقوق الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة ومشروع شامل جلسات تشاورية هامة في الأردن للتحضير للقمة العالمية للإعاقة 2025. تركز ورش العمل التي تستمر ليومين على الحماية الاجتماعية الشاملة للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة، وتجمع ممثلين عن الائتلاف الأردني للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة والمنظمات الدولية والهيئات الحكومية ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني. تهدف هذه المشاورات إلى تمكين مجتمعات الإعاقة ومعالجة التحديات مثل التكاليف الإضافية للمعيشة وتطوير أنظمة ضمان اجتماعي شاملة. يأتي هذا الحدث كجزء من استعدادات الأردن للمشاركة في استضافة القمة العالمية للإعاقة القادمة في برلين، مؤكداً على التزام البلاد بحقوق الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة والشمول الاجتماعي.



Brief 2: Multi-tiered, comprehensive, social security systems: a brief description

In our second briefing paper, Stephen Kidd discusses the evolution of multi-tiered social security systems to manage lifecycle risks, alleviate poverty, and support economic growth. Many middle-income countries still use...

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Shamil Description – English

Shamil: Technical Assistance for Inclusive Social Protection The Shamil technical assistance facility is a core component of the United Kingdom’s £95 million, five-year- programme Strengthening Societal and Economic Resilience in...

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Shamil Description – Arabic

يعد شامل مكون المساعدة الفنية لتعزيز نظم الحماية الاجتماعية جزءاً أساسياً ضمن برنامج “مشروع تعزيز المرونة المجتمعية والاقتصادية في الأردن” الذي ينفذ خلال خمس سنوات، والممول بمنحة قيمتها 95 مليون...

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Brief 1: Definition of Social Protection – English

Globally, the meaning of social protection is highly contested, with many institutions and countries defining it differently. The definition of social protection used by Shamil outlines both the aim of...

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Brief 1: Definition of Social Protection – Arabic

 .ما من توافق على تعريف الحماية الاجتماعية حول العالم، إذ تعتمد كلّ دولة وكلّ مؤسّسة تعريفها الخاص. يحدّد تعريف الحماية الاجتماعية المُعتمَد في مشروع “شَامِل” الهدف الأساسية منها، كما يشمل...

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Our Team


Driver and Administrative Assistant | سائق ومساعد أداري


Social Services and Gender Equality Social Inclusion Officer | مسؤولة برامج الخدمات الاجتماعية والجندر والإدماج الاجتماعي


Finance Officer | موظف مالي


Translator and Interpreter | مترجم تحريري وفوري


Operations and Risk Management Specialist | أخصائي العمليات وإدارة المخاطر


Project Manager


Legal Representative of Development Pathways’ Jordan Office and Senior Engagement Manager | الممثلة القانونية لشركة مسارات التنمية في الاردن وكبير مديري التشبيك


Senior Social Protection Specialist | مستشار أول للحماية الاجتماعية


Senior Social Protection Advisor and Deputy Team Leader | نائب مدير المشروع وكبير مستشاري الحماية الاجتماعية


Shamil Team Leader | قائد الفريق