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Upgrading a social assistance MIS and linking social protection programmes with a Single Registry

Uganda Single Registry

Uganda’s social protection sector is characterised by a large number of fragmented and uncoordinated interventions with a wide variety of different management information systems (MISs). There was a need to develop a system that would create linkages among the multiple programmes as a means of facilitating effective targeting, planning, monitoring and evaluation as well as promoting accountability and transparency.

The Ugandan Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, with assistance from UK Aid, planned to harmonise and foster coordination between social protection programmes through the development of a united database.

Under our work for Uganda’s Expanding Social Protection II programme, we assessed the social protection system’s existing MISs to set a foundation for the design and development of a Single Registry. Alongside this, we upgraded key modules involved in the Social Assistance Grant for Empowerment MIS, including the Enrolment Module and Payments Module, as well as strengthening the security of the system.