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Partnerships for Social Protection

boats lined up by water on sandy beach with trees behind

Partnerships for Social Protection (P4SP) is supported by the Australian Government and implemented by Development Pathways.

The Pacific region faces severe economic shock due to the COVID-19 crisis, including increasing rates of poverty and vulnerability. Despite the limited health impacts so far, the economic impacts of COVID-19 have been significant – with varied and evolving effects across different Pacific Island Countries and Timor-Leste. Strong and inclusive social protection systems have the potential to help shelter people from further financial hardship and support the region’s recovery.

P4SP is providing tailored assistance to support countries to advocate for, build and strengthen effective, sustainable, gender-responsive and shock-responsive social protection systems in the region. The programme aims to strengthen local leadership and expertise on social protection, build the evidence base in the Pacific, and facilitate learning and collaboration across the region.

For more information go to the website at p4sp.org, or for the programme’s latest updates visit LinkedIn.