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Developing a Comprehensive National Social Protection Systems and Reforms Country Profile for Tunisia

We are supporting United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and the Ministry of Social Affairs in Tunisia to develop a Comprehensive National Social Protection Systems and Reforms Country Profile for Tunisia.

The country profile will seek to establish a comprehensive and thorough review and analysis of the national social protection system, a summary of the national context, an overview of the legislative and policy framework, an inventory of social protection programmes and an in-depth examination of two or three main programmes.

It will also provide a baseline from which to monitor developments in the sector as well as an appreciation of the social protection system’s effectiveness and efficiency in terms of both life-cycle risk mitigation and covariate shock responsiveness. Furthermore, it will offer well-informed reform options with estimated costs to inform decision-making. Finally, the country profile will provide a standardised basis for drawing cross-country comparisons in the region.