
Our findings and our perspectives: Creative thinking grounded in evidence and rooted in countries' realities.



The reports we have published and contributed to steer the debate and clients’ thinking. We publish our own Working Papers and shorter Pathways’ Perspectives and support clients to produce major reports


Integrated Socio-Economic Registration System For Indonesia

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the critical importance of well-functioning socio-economic registration systems in delivering social protection. Countries like Indonesia are developing integrated registry systems to more efficiently identify and support...

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Social Protection Fiscal Space and Funding Gap Analysis in Botswana

In 2023, Development Pathways supported UNICEF and the government of Botswana in conducting a fiscal space and funding gap analysis of social protection in Botswana. The funding gap analysis projects...

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Social protection in the Cook Islands: A case study

Over 90 per cent of Cook Islanders benefit from the Government’s Social Protection system, which has helped reduce poverty across the country by over half since it was introduced in...

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The role of social protection in responding to shocks and building resilience in the Pacific & Timor-Leste

This brief explores the evidence on the role of social protection in responding to shocks and building resilience in the Pacific and Timor-Leste. It highlights key findings, summarises the most...

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Social protection for women and girls in the Pacific and Timor-Leste

This brief examines the evidence on social protection for women and girls in the Pacific and Timor-Leste, highlighting key findings, summarising prominent voices in the field and identifying areas where...

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Disability and Social Protection in the Pacific and Timor-Leste

This brief explores the evidence on disability and social protection in the Pacific and Timor-Leste. It highlights key findings from the published literature, identifies leading voices on the topic and...

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Investing in social protection for good times and bad: An assessment of social protection financing in the Pacific and Timor-Leste

This report examines the current and historical levels of social protection expenditure in 14 countries across the Pacific and Timor-Leste. This research draws primarily on national budget documents (including budget...

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Protection + prevention + promotion = policy paralysis

In this issue of Pathways’ Perspectives, Nicholas Freeland critiques the Transformative Social Protection (TSP) framework’s application in social policy, arguing it leads to policy paralysis due to inherent flaws and...

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Taking stock of progress: A compilation of universal social security schemes in low- and middle-income countries

Challenging the misconception that universal social security is only viable in high-income countries, this paper compiles examples of ongoing universal coverage schemes in low- and middle-income nations, focusing on old...

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