Rasmus Schjoedt

Rasmus Schjoedt

Senior Associate

An independent social protection specialist and researcher with a background in political science and ten years’ experience working in international development in Asia and Africa. 

Rasmus Schjoedt's Work

Disability and homelessness in Addis Ababa
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Reaching those in Addis Ababa who development must not leave behind

Ethiopia has been working to reduce poverty and foster social development, including through the Productive Safety Net Programme in rural areas. The Urban Productive Safety Net – one of the...

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Social protection and disability in Mauritius

This working paper, focusing on Mauritius, continues a series of publications that identify good practice in enabling the inclusion of people with disabilities in social protection systems and programmes.

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Recommending social accountability improvements for social protection programmes

How can citizens better hold social protection officials to account and understand their entitlements? We carried out research to fill the knowledge gaps.

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Social Protection and Disability in India

This paper is one of seven country case studies produced as part of the former DFID-financed study Leaving no-one behind: How social protection can help people with disabilities move out of extreme poverty.

Disability-inclusive social protection
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Building inclusive social protection systems for persons with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries

Rasmus Schjoedt The WHO estimates that around 15 per cent of the world’s population, or more than 1 billion people, have a disability. Disability-inclusive social protection can play a key role in empowering persons with disabilities by providing a minimum income as well as financial support to address the additional...

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Social Protection and Disability in Brazil

This report comprises one component of the DFID-financed study: “Leaving no-one behind: how social protection can help people with disabilities move out of extreme poverty.” It is one of seven country case studies to identify good practice in enabling the inclusion of persons with disability in social protection systems and programmes.

Building Inclusive Social Protection Systems for Persons with Disabilities
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Leaving No-one Behind: Building Inclusive Social Protection Systems for Persons with Disabilities

This report examines how to make social protection systems and schemes more inclusive of persons with disabilities. Social protection can play a key role in empowering persons with disabilities by...

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Targeting humanitarian aid: something to be left to opaque algorithms?

As crises spread across the globe combined with increasing pressure on funding, the question of how best to target aid has entered the humanitarian world in a big way. However, while targeting has long been debated in social protection – and continues to be highly contested – humanitarian actors appear to...

Social accountability in social protection
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How to support citizens with raising grievances and claiming entitlements

How can social protection practitioners become better at enabling citizens to raise grievances and hold government officials to account? Development Pathways, DFID, Age International and HelpAge International last week brought together a group of experts to discuss recent research by Development Pathways on social accountability initiatives in social protection, writes Rasmus...

Social Accountability in the Delivery of Social Protection India Case Study
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Social Accountability in the Delivery of Social Protection India Case Study

In their scope, and by the fact that they are legally required, the social audits in India’s Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme are an unparalleled collective social accountability...

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The two lives of social protection: the tale of cash transfers and social security

Here’s a curious tale about two very different forms of social protection: one is much loved by researchers, the media and donors, but its charms are debatable; the other is too often shunned by academia, commentators and funders despite holding greater promise and staying-power. We could call them ‘cash transfers’...

Social Accountability in the Delivery of Social Protection - Technical Guidance Note
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Social Accountability in the Delivery of Social Protection – Technical Guidance Note

This note offers guidance to social protection practitioners on how to strengthen social accountability in the delivery of social protection.

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India: The Basic Income Experiment

“The extra income created opportunities for people to start improving their lives.” In this Pathways Perspective, Rasmus looks at the effects of a basic income pilot project conducted in the...

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Cash transfers on the rise as an emergency response in the Pacific

Despite increasing evidence of their value, the use of cash transfers in emergencies is still limited. ODI’s Paul Harvey estimated in a recent article in the Guardian, as well as a guest piece on Duncan Green’s ‘From Poverty to Power’ blog, that only 6% of humanitarian aid is currently provided...