Kenya’s Single Registry – A tool for planning, coordination and monitoring Webinar

Organisers: Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Oxford Policy Management, and Development Pathways

Tuesday 29 Mar


Kenya’s “Single Registry for Social Protection” has recently been created as an electronic solution for social accountability. The integrated registry assists the social protection sector with planning, coordination and monitoring of the country’s four main cash transfer programmes, while also integrating data from the World Food Programme’s Cash for Asset Programme. The registry aims to consolidate and coordinate the country’s current range of fragmented schemes and will in the future expand its scope to include data on health insurance and social security.

The webinar was supported by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Oxford Policy Management and Development Pathways, and hosted by It discusses how the introduction of Kenya’s single registry came about, its evolution, its benefits, the challenges and limitations faced in implementation and future plans.

Presenters: Winnie Mwasiaji (Coordinator, Social Protection Secretariat, Kenya), Evelyn Gathecha (Single Registry Specialist, Social Protection Secretariat, Kenya), Richard Chirchir (Senior MIS Specialist, Development Pathways)

Moderator: Valentina Barca (Consultant, Oxford Policy Management)