We are at an unprecedented moment in history. The actions we take now amid this unfolding global crisis will shape the future of millions of people around the world for years to come. Never has the need for a human rights-based approach to social protection been more urgent as in times of COVID-19. This approach entails framing social protection debates and policy decisions around entitlements rather than charity or handouts.
In this webinar, our panellists discussed human rights considerations to the social protection response to COVID-19, and why a rights-based approach is more important than ever. In particular, our speakers have brought a contextual analysis to the debate drawing on examples from UN agencies in Latin America, the Caribbean, and South Asia.
Alexandra Barrantes, Senior Social Protection Specialist, Development Pathways
Abdul Alim, Social Policy Advisor, Unicef South Asia
Simone Cecchini, Senior Social Affairs Officer, ECLAC
Shea McClanahan, Senior Social Protection Specialist, Development Pathways