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Why we need social protection

Development Pathways has contributed to an online platform supporting countries in Asia and the Pacific to build inclusive social protection systems.

The aim of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific’s Social Protection Toolbox is to support countries in the region to understand the role social protection plays in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. It identifies national coverage gaps and assists with capacity and knowledge-building with materials including learning modules, in-depth studies and videos.

The Toolbox features two new e-learning guides, developed by UNESCAP with Development Pathways, showing how investing in inclusive social protection can accelerate progress towards the SDGs, why universal schemes are better at reaching the poor than targeted schemes, and what policy options to consider when designing inclusive schemes. The first module, Why We Need Social Protection raises awareness of the role social protection systems can play in tackling poverty. Download it here, and find out more in this video.