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Tag: Gender


News IconWebinar from the IAFFE reflects on COVID-19 from a feminist economist perspective

Daisy Sibun reflects on observations and opinions made by speakers during a webinar hosted by the International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE)  titled “Feminist Economics Perspectives on COVID-19″. The COVID-19...

News IconWebinar reflections on a “Gender data series”

Anasuya Sengupta offers her thoughts and reflections on a "Gender data series" webinar organised by Devex and Facebook. 

blog iconThe curious case of women leaving the labour market in India

Anasuya Sengupta Recently, in the midst of participating in a launch event for an ODI/HelpAge International study on older women’s work, I thought back on the lives of the women in my family, from India. In the early 1940s – really, not that long ago – my grandmother was married off...

blog iconUganda’s Senior Citizens Grant: Evaluation reveals further evidence on its impacts

Stephen Kidd A mark of a decent society is a guarantee that all citizens can enjoy income security once they reach old age. At least 56 countries worldwide now provide pensions to more than 90 per cent of older people and a growing number of low- and middle-income countries are...

blog iconQuestioning women’s role as the sole recipients of benefits: contrasting evidence on gender-sensitive social protection programming

Juan Gonzalo Jaramillo Mejia  In the midst of speaking to families benefitting from various social assistance schemes in rural Mexico, an on-line conversation has made me question again the assumption that it is best to target women as the main recipient of benefits. On International Women’s Day, can we further delve into that discussion, interrogate the prevailing narratives on gender and...

blog iconAll work and no pay: The invisibilisation of women’s labour in public works programmes

Anasuya Sengupta On International Women’s Day, I want to bring attention to a silent scandal on the use of women’s labour within public works programmes, which are increasingly referred to as productive safety net programmes in many low-income countries. These are, as many of you know, good old-fashioned workfare schemes...

Publication IconThe myth of a resilient Lebanon: isn’t it time to end the global paradigm of gender inequality?

Our Senior Social Policy Specialist, Anasuya Sengupta, takes a critical look at the Lebanese crisis not as an exception but a reflection of the unequal world we live in.

blog iconCOVID-19’s total burden of disease extends beyond those who get sick, and this has potentially deadly consequences for women and girls.

This guest blog was written by Julia Zulver, Tara Patricia Cookson, Lorena Fuentes, Alejandra Vera and Jackeline Alba from Ladysmith.  A team of feminist researchers guided by the principle “no research about us, without us,” they help international organisations collect, analyse and take action on gender data.  Governments around the...

Our Work IconTowards a Strong and Prosperous Indonesian Society

We have provided technical support in order to help the Government of Indonesia to improve the quality and effectiveness of programmes to reduce poverty.

blog iconGrasping a more equal future — understanding age and gender in social protection

Our guest blogger, Dr. Zahrah Nesbitt-Ahmed, is a Gender and Development Manager (Research) for the Gender-Responsive and Age-Sensitive Social Protection (GRASSP) research programme at UNICEF Office of Research—Innocenti. Zahrah works in the area of gender and women’s economic empowerment, the care economy, and social protection.  As we hurtle towards the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals deadline, governments are accelerating investments in both social protection and gender equality. This presents an...