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Tag: Training


Our Work IconTraining to underpin the preparation of Uganda’s National Development Plans

There is a very strong rationale for Uganda to progressively increase its investment in social protection up to 2030 and beyond and that social protection should figure prominently in the...

Our Work IconImproving mother and child health, underpinned by a management information system

High infant and maternal mortality rates are experienced in Kakamega County in western Kenya. The County Government of Kakamega, supported by UNICEF Kenya and the Government of Sweden, have therefore set...

News IconInclusive Social Protection Training Course

We are excited to announce that registrations for Development Pathways’ Online Training Course have officially launched! Development Pathways regularly provides training courses and capacity building to a wealth of governments,...

Our Work IconBuilding Malawi’s capacity to implement social protection at national and district levels

The Government of Malawi launched the Malawi National Social Support Programme 2018-2022 (MNSSP II) to implement the national vision to reduce poverty, promote resilient livelihoods and protect against shocks. To...