Social Protection Single Registry in Uzbekistan
We supported the design, development, and piloting of a Single Registry for Social Protection in Uzbekistan.

Steering Committee for the Integrated Beneficiary Registry, Namibia
UNICEF Namibia contracted Development Pathways in October 2019 to support the key three key actors – the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), the Ministry of Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare, (MoPESW) and Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare (MGECW) – to design an integrated information management system for social protection as a policy instrument for addressing fragmentation issues.

Building Malawi’s capacity to implement social protection at national and district levels
The Government of Malawi launched the Malawi National Social Support Programme 2018-2022 (MNSSP II) to implement the national vision to reduce poverty, promote resilient livelihoods and protect against shocks. To...

Making a pilot cash transfer possible in Angola by developing an MIS
A new pilot cash transfer for children in Angola required an MIS for a successful launch. As part of the design and implementation of pilot cash transfer for the Government...

Improving mother and child health, underpinned by a management information system
High infant and maternal mortality rates are experienced in Kakamega County in western Kenya. The County Government of Kakamega, supported by UNICEF Kenya and the Government of Sweden, have therefore set...

Strengthening Kenya’s Single Registry to improve co-ordination
The Single Registry is a policy tool that enables the Government of Kenya to link together the Management Information Systems (MISs) of five social assistance schemes. We used our extensive experience of MIS design to strengthen the system in a joint initiative by the World Food Programme and Kenya’s National Social Protection Secretariat.

Strengthening Rwanda’s social protection system
To strengthen Rwanda's social protection system, we supported the development of a National Social Protection Policy and Strategy.