Icon Our WorkThe State of Older Persons in Uganda – Situational analysis report

Two years since the launch of a special publication, Facing Our Future: Ageing in a Changing Uganda, Uganda’s Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD) has released the full report on the situation of older persons in the country, where average life expectancy at birth only recently crossed 60 years of age.

 The report, as part of the Expanding Social Protection (ESP) programme, highlights old-age poverty and the transformational potential of the Senior Citizens’ Grant: two-thirds of older persons in Uganda are economically active, still, two-fifths are below the international poverty line of UGX2,700 per person per day; and how extending the Senior Citizens’ Grant nationwide for every person aged 65 and above would reduce old-age poverty by 20%.

The report has been authored by Anasuya Sengupta, Senior Social Policy Specialist and Sarina Kidd, Social Policy Specialist of Development Pathways. Using a mixed-methods approach, including in-depth interviews with older persons in various parts of the country, it provides rich insight into how they view their changing roles and values within families and communities. It further draws on their shared experiences of accessing income and employment and critical services such as healthcare. The analysis leads to recommendations and a theory of change on how the Government of Uganda can mainstream ageing within cross-sectoral policymaking.

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